Remembering Kay Taylor
1936 – 2022

Kay Taylor and her husband Clark were the social innovators who founded the Guatemala Partnership, a union of communities between Santa Maria Tzeja and Needham Massachusetts (specifically its Congregational church). Kay proceeded to organize and lead annual delegations in the immersive experience of visiting Santa Maria Tzeja. Traveling delegates would get to know many village citizens, sharing with one another their culture and values. She widened participation in the project by establishing a partner family letter exchange program that connected families on a personal level from each community.
No single web page can encompass the scope of Kay’s accomplishments, or the breadth of lives she positively impacted. Herein, we humbly share a few memorable snap shots taken during 30 years of her activism within the Guatemala Partnership project.
All who knew her would be quick to cite the fulfillment she brought to their own life and perspectives. No words can describe how much Kay is missed!
This page will post information about a public memorial event as it becomes available.