2023 Calendar of the Partnership

2023 Partnership Calendar

Keep posted for the To Be Announced (TBA) dates and times

Jan 1:     Partner family letters by English writers due. Alan

Jan 8:     January meeting of the Partnership ministry team on Zoom. 7pm. Bill

Feb 5: February meeting of the Partnership ministry team on Zoom. 7pm.  Leader: Bill

Feb 15:    February delegation departure for Guatemala. Jeff.

Feb 26: February delegation return from Guatemala

March 5: March meeting of the Partnership ministry team on Zoom. 7pm Leader: Bill

March 26:   Report back of the February Delegation on Zoom. 7pm Jeff.

April 2:   April meeting of the Partnership ministry team on Zoom. 7pm Leader: Bill

May 7: May meeting of the Partnership Ministry team 7pm Zoom. Brenda

June 4: June meeting of the Partnership Ministry team 7pm Zoom. Brenda

June 10 : Annual farm-a-thon fundraiser 9am to 12 pm Jeff.

July 2: Pot luck meeting of the Partnership. 7pm. Brenda

July 7: Partner family letters by English writers due. Alan

Aug 2: August delegation departure for Guatemala. Bill

Aug 13: August delegation return from Guatemala

Sept 3: September meeting of the Partnership ministry team on zoom. 7pm Alan

Sept TBA: Guatemala Yard sale at Congregational Church of Needham 9am-2pm Brenda

Oct 1: October meeting of the Partnership ministry team on zoom. 7pm

Nov 5: November meeting of the Partnership ministry team on zoom. 7pm

Dec 3: December meeting of the Partnership ministry team on zoom. 7pm